Pomegranate is a fruit that grows on a deciduous shrub and is a member of the Lythraceae family. The word ‘pomegranate’ comes from the middle French words ‘pomme garnate’ which literally means ‘seeded apple’. This idea comes from the fact that some people thought that it wasn’t actually an apple that Adam used to tempt Eve but a pomegranate. The fact that just the smell of pomegranate was enough to tempt the first people on the planet to eat is enough to prove how prestigious of a fruit it is.
Pomegranate is not only delicious but also one of the healthiest and most nutritious fruits out there.
The consumption of pomegranates causes a significant decrease in a marker called 8-0xo-D6, which is linked to cellular damage. This marker can have harmful effects such as lessened brain function, weakening of muscles, impaired kidney function, decrease in lever productivity, and speedy aging of the skin.
Pomegranates have plenty of antioxidants as well, antioxidants are powerful agents that can fend off free radicals that can destroy or bring a change in a cell’s DNA. This vast amount of antioxidants has earned pomegranates the reputation of a superfood. These antioxidants can also hinder prostate cancer. A study which cost $4,000,000 shows that pomegranates slow the aging process of DNA.
All in all, the pomegranate is a fruit which not only provides a stimulation to our taste buds but also nourishes our body. This vitamin-rich fruit will make sure you don’t miss any parties due to any disease.


Pomegranate and the Cutting Problem


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